Englisch online testen von A1 bis C2 –kostenloser Einstufungstest

Sie möchten gerne einen Englischkurs belegen und wissen nicht so genau, über welche Englisch-Kenntnisse Sie bereits verfügen? Die Sprachschule Aktiv Wien bietet Ihnen kostenlos die Möglichkeit, Ihr Englischwissen zu überprüfen, und das von A1 bis C2. Sie können jederzeit bei der Sprachschule vorbeischauen, wo Sie eine erfahrene Englisch-Lehrkraft in Englisch testen wird. Wohnen Sie nicht in Wien oder haben Sie wenig Zeit, so können Sie online jederzeit unseren Englisch-Einstufungstest absolvieren. Dieser ist bequem und kostenfrei für Sie und macht es Ihnen leichter zu wissen, welcher Englischkurs für Sie am ratsamsten ist.

Deutschkurse A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 in Wien mit Förderung

Warum einen Einstufungstest Englisch machen?

Der Englisch-Einstufungstest hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihre derzeit vorhandenen Englischkenntnisse näher einzugrenzen. Das ermöglicht Ihnen, mithilfe einer in Englisch fachkundigen Lehrkraft rasch zu ermitteln, welcher Kurs auf welchem Niveau für Sie am geeignetsten ist, um an Ihre bisherigen Englischkenntnisse anzuknüpfen und Fortschritte in Englisch zu erzielen.

Was ist beim Englisch-Einstufungstest zu beachten?

Bevor Sie sich zu einem Englisch-Sprachkurs anmelden, macht es Sinn, einen Englisch-Einstufungstest zu machen, damit Sie wissen, auf welchem Sprachniveau Sie den Englisch-Kurs am besten belegen. Denn ist Ihr Niveau zu niedrig, so lernen Sie kaum Neues, ist Ihr Niveau zu hoch, so fehlt Ihnen Sprachwissen und kommen Sie im Kurs nicht mehr mit. Damit der Sprachkurs für Sie weder zu leicht noch zu schwer ausfällt, können Sie mittels eines Online-Einstufungstest Ihre Englisch-Sprachkenntnisse ermitteln und so dem Ihnen richtigen Kurs zugewiesen werden. Der Englisch-Einstufungstest online orientiert sich am Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen GER (GER) und misst, ob Sie sich in Englisch auf dem Niveau A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 oder C2 befinden.

Sie beginnen mit der ersten Frage und klicken sich weiter bis zur letzten Frage. Für jede Frage ist immer nur exakt eine Antwort nach dem Single-Choice-Prinzip anzukreuzen. Nach Beendigung des Online-Einstufungstests, also nach Beantwortung aller Fragen bis zur letzten Frage, erhalten Sie automatisch online Ihr Testergebnis auf Ihrem Bildschirm. Setzen Sie sich dann in Kontakt mit uns, um Ihren Englisch-Sprachkurs zu buchen.

Der Einstufungstest Englisch richtet sich nach den Sprachzielstufen des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER), welcher sicherstellt, dass das Sprachkompetenzniveau europaweit vergleichbar messbar und nach klaren Sprachrichtlinien nachweisbar ist. Das Testergebnis der Einstufung erfolgt nachfolgenden Sprachstufen nach GER:

A. Elementare Sprachverwendung
Anfänger: A1
Grundlegende Kenntnisse: A2

B. Selbstständige Sprachverwendung
Fortgeschrittene Sprachverwendung: B1
Eigenständige Sprachverwendung: B2

C: Kompetente Sprachverwendung
Fachkundige Sprachkenntnisse: C1
Annähernd muttersprachliche Kenntnisse: C2

Wenn Sie beim Online-Einstufungstest Englisch in einer Stufe weniger als 60% erzielt haben, so sollten Sie den Englischkurs auf dieser Stufe wählen. Haben Sie mehr als 60% erzielt, so ist ein Englischkurs der nächsten Stufe anzuraten. Am besten durchlaufen Sie daher die Online-Englisch-Einstufungstests in allen Stufen, bis Sie weniger als 60% erreicht haben.


Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.1

1 / 20

Where do you come __________?

2 / 20

There are __________ people in this room.

3 / 20

Greg will meet __________ at the shop.

4 / 20

Would you like __________ apple?

5 / 20

My name __________ Peter.

6 / 20

Sorry I’m so late. That’s __________.

7 / 20

I have two __________.

8 / 20

The soup tastes __________.

9 / 20

Pauline __________ loves working with children.

10 / 20

Can you tell me when __________?

11 / 20

This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced

12 / 20

Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________!

13 / 20

I get five hours of sleep every night. That’s not __________.

14 / 20

He did it __________.

15 / 20

He __________ the newspaper every day.

16 / 20

I __________ to rock music.

17 / 20

Rabbits have__________.

18 / 20

__________ the time?

19 / 20

I like __________ football.

20 / 20

__________ ever been to Madrid?

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.2

1 / 20

I am going to the cinema tonight. __________ you like to come with me?

2 / 20

Do you like ice cream? Yes, __________.

3 / 20

I think that driving is more dangerous __________ flying.

4 / 20

Is this __________ book?

5 / 20

_____________ is that over there?

6 / 20

They __________ go to work by bus

7 / 20

__________ is a letter for you, Susan.

8 / 20

My mother __________ shopping twice a week.

9 / 20

There are __________ people in this room.

10 / 20

Sorry I’m so late. That’s __________.

11 / 20

I have two __________.

12 / 20

Where is Julia? She __________ home.

13 / 20

The soup tastes __________.

14 / 20

He __________ the newspaper every day.

15 / 20

Would you like __________ apple?

16 / 20

Everybody knows __________ Shakespeare is.

17 / 20

__________ ever been to Madrid?

18 / 20

Do you know the car __________ is parked outside?

19 / 20

This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced.

20 / 20

I like __________ football.

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A2.1

1 / 20

My parents are very proud __________ me.

2 / 20

How do I __________ to the station?

3 / 20

There are __________ people in this room.

4 / 20

Some people want to make __________ united Europe.

5 / 20

My name __________ Peter.

6 / 20

Is this book __________?

7 / 20

John __________ a new car.

8 / 20

__________ do you do?

9 / 20

I don’t like whisky. __________ do I!

10 / 20

Jack is taller __________ George.

11 / 20

He doesn’t like __________.

12 / 20

_____________ is that over there?

13 / 20

Have you __________ your homework, Annie?

14 / 20

The soup tastes __________.

15 / 20

Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________!

16 / 20

__________ is a letter for you, Susan.

17 / 20

Can you tell me when __________?

18 / 20

This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced.

19 / 20

Do you know the car __________ is parked outside?

20 / 20

They __________ go to work by bus

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A2.2

1 / 20

Two men _____________ in the accident.

2 / 20

How do I __________ to the station?

3 / 20

I'd like to change 100 dollars ____________ euros, please.

4 / 20

Some people want to make __________ united Europe.

5 / 20

When he got to the bus stop, the bus had just __________.

6 / 20

Is this book __________?

7 / 20

John __________ a new car.

8 / 20

How __________ does it take to get to the railway station from your house?

9 / 20

I don’t like whisky. __________ do I!

10 / 20

Where _____________ you live when you were a child?

11 / 20

He doesn’t like _____________.

12 / 20

_____________ is that over there?

13 / 20

The soup tastes __________.

14 / 20

Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________!

15 / 20

Can you tell me when __________?

16 / 20

This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced.

17 / 20

Take your umbrella - I think _____________ is going to rain.

18 / 20

They __________ go to work by bus.

19 / 20

My aunt ____________ on the ice and broke her leg.

20 / 20

Have you __________ your homework, Annie?

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B1.1

1 / 20

This meat is beautifully __________ - what recipe did you use?

2 / 20

Are you good __________ singing?

3 / 20

__________ MG is an English car.

4 / 20

Everybody __________ who Shakespeare is.

5 / 20

Is this book __________?

6 / 20

Can you give me __________ information?

7 / 20

__________ do you do?

8 / 20

I don’t like whisky. __________ do I!

9 / 20

Jack is taller __________ George.

10 / 20

He doesn’t like __________.

11 / 20

If you work __________, we can make it!

12 / 20

Let's look at it again, __________ we?

13 / 20

Where is Julia? She __________ home.

14 / 20

Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________!

15 / 20

Can you tell me when __________?

16 / 20

__________ the time?

17 / 20

Everybody knows __________ Shakespeare is.

18 / 20

Could you show me the way to the __________ office?

19 / 20

We have __________ come home from an amazing trip to Mauritius.

20 / 20

I couldn’t __________ up with the noise in this city!

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B1.2

1 / 20

Are you good __________ singing?

2 / 20

We had a great week _________ we went walking in the mountains.

3 / 20

__________ not a good idea to do that.

4 / 20

Is this book __________?

5 / 20

You should read this novel - it's been __________ recommended by the critics.

6 / 20

Jack is very good at sports _______ his brother Ed is not interested in it at all.

7 / 20

I __________ outside the cinema when the police arrived.

8 / 20

He doesn’t like __________.

9 / 20

Let's look at it again, __________ we?

10 / 20

The soup tastes __________.

11 / 20

Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________!

12 / 20

_______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come:

13 / 20

__________ the time?

14 / 20

Where is Joe? I haven’t seen him __________ a year.

15 / 20

Could you show me the way to the __________ office?

16 / 20

They __________ go to work by bus.

17 / 20

I don’t like whisky. __________ do I!

18 / 20

Are you __________ English teacher?

19 / 20

Where is Julia? She __________ home.

20 / 20

It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it.

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B2.1

1 / 20

Did Richard finish the report? No, he __________ it tomorrow.

2 / 20

Henry __________ to work tomorrow.

3 / 20

Is this book __________?

4 / 20

Can you give me __________ advice?

5 / 20

They usually go to work ______ bus.

6 / 20

Shall we go to the Riverboat for dinner? No, it __________be fully booked. They are sometimes busy on Mondays.

7 / 20

I don’t like whisky. __________ do I!

8 / 20

_______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come.

9 / 20

Jack is taller __________ George.

10 / 20

If you work __________, we can make it!

11 / 20

Let's look at it again, __________ we?

12 / 20

He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday.

13 / 20

When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired.

14 / 20

Could you show me the way to the __________ train station?

15 / 20

Where is Joe? I haven’t seen him __________ a year.

16 / 20

I'm fed up __________ this stupid exercise!

17 / 20

__________ not a good idea to do that.

18 / 20

It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it.

19 / 20

I __________ outside the cinema when the police arrived.

20 / 20

__________ MG is an English car.

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B2.2

1 / 20

Your house is __________ than ours.

2 / 20

I heard the police __________ dozens of people before they made an arrest.

3 / 20

Can you give me __________ advice?

4 / 20

Jane can’t come to the phone right now. She __________

5 / 20

Henry __________ to work tomorrow.

6 / 20

You'd better take the papers with you __________ you need them for the meeting.

7 / 20

I like neither whisky __________ gin.

8 / 20

Let's look at it again, __________ we?

9 / 20

__________ not a good idea to do that.

10 / 20

He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday.

11 / 20

When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired.

12 / 20

He likes to eat __________.

13 / 20

Pat has insisted __________ paying for the meal for all of us.

14 / 20

This area of town is beginning to look very __________ and impoverished.

15 / 20

I'm fed up __________ this stupid exercise!

16 / 20

I don't have _________ time today but I'll do it tomorrow.

17 / 20

I couldn’t __________ up with the noise in this city!

18 / 20

_______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come.

19 / 20

You must drive __________ because of the storm.

20 / 20

She woke with a bad stomachache. It __________ something she'd eaten.

Your score is



Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau C1.1

1 / 19

He has been __________ of murdering his father.

2 / 19

Good evening, here __________ the news.

3 / 19

Jane can’t come to the phone right now. She __________

4 / 19

You'd better take the papers with you __________ you need them for the meeting.

5 / 19

That's the man __________ wife has left him for another guy.

6 / 19

It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it.

7 / 19

If __________ you were coming, I would have baked a cake!

8 / 19

He likes to eat __________.

9 / 19

Difficult? No, it’s a piece of __________!

10 / 19

Monica smelled the soup __________.

11 / 19

He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday.

12 / 19

I was rather upset when I heard my daughter's teacher __________ her run twenty times around the playground!

13 / 19

When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired.

14 / 19

Come in! The more __________ merrier!

15 / 19

I arrived __________ New Zealand last night.

16 / 19

It's been a long time since we last saw __________!

17 / 19

You look really fit! Yes, I __________ at the gym for a year now.

18 / 19

There is __________body at the door. Please go and see who it is.

19 / 19

Jack is very good at sports _______ his brother Ed is not interested in it at all.

Your score is
