The German Prefix “Ent” and Its Different Usages

This prefix with three small letters “ent” can completely change the meaning of a verb. However, it has different meanings and usages.

Usage to undo something

You put the prefix “ent” before a verb to express that you want to bring something back to its original state. For example, you can use “entproblematisieren” to get rid of a problem or “entmutigen” it to take someone’s courage. Here is an example for this sentence:

“Er lässt sich von seinem Lehrer nicht entmutigen und glaubt weiterhin fest an sich.”

Usage to express the beginning of something

The prefix “ent” can also express the exact opposite of the meaning just described in the section above. It can mean the beginning of something. When a fire begins to burn, it ”entzündet” (entzünden, ignite) or “entbrennt” (entbrennen, to flare up). When a new thing exists, one uses the word  “entstehen”. An example for this is:

“Bei der Geburt entsteht ein neues Leben.”

Usage to express the opposite of a verb

There are many verbs that have the prefix “ver” or “be” at the beginning. The opposite of this can be formed with “ent”.


“Wenn ich meine Kleidung anziehe, bekleide ich mich.” – “Wenn ich meine Kleidung ausziehe, entkleide ich mich.” (entkleiden)
“Bei Überlastung kann sich ein Muskel verkrampfen.” – “Nach einiger Zeit entkrampft er sich wieder.” (entkrampfen)

Other opposites: verzaubern – entzaubern; bewaffnen – entwaffnen

However, one can also express an opposite of something that has neither the prefix “ver” or “be” in the word.

For example:

“Ich warne dich, hier könnte ein Wolf sein.” – “Ich kann dich entwarnen, es ist keiner hier.” (warnen – entwarnen)
“Du musst die Waffe sichern, um nicht zu schießen.” – “Möchtest du einen Schuss auslösen, musst die Waffe entsichern.” (sichern – entsichern)

Usage to express a withdrawal or removal

If you want to distance yourself from something or get away, you can use the words “enteilen”, “entfliehen” und “entreißen”

Some examples are:

“Sie hat es hier nicht mehr ausgehalten und enteilte nach München.”
“Er ist nicht mehr in seinem Zimmer. Er konnte entfliehen.”
“Ich habe ihn festgehalten, doch er konnte sich mir entreißen.”

In this context, you can also remove something. If you want to eat a melon, you must first “entkernen” it: That is, remove all the kernels. If you want to sweep the dust from the chimney, then you “entrußen” it.

Usage to make something happen

Here one uses an adjective which describes a certain state and puts the prefix “ent-” as well as the final syllable “-en” to the word. For example, if you want to say that you have made a can empty, you will form the verb “entleeren”. If you want to express that a person has become a stranger, you use the word “entfremden”.

Rule : ent + adjective + en

Example : ent + fremd + en = “entfremden”

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